Thursday, 4 April 2013

Adding Resources to Nodes

Once the resources have been created within the Resources screen they can be added to an activity node (process, project, function or component). This can be done through using the right hand side Details toolbar - expand the 'Time and Resources' area and within this there is a section called 'Resource Requirements'. If you expand this section, you will see a list of resources currently added to the node or 'No Resource'

To add a resource to this node, click on the 'No Resource' within the Resource Name field and click 'Change Resource'. This will take you to the Resources tab, where you can select the resource to be added to the node. Additional resources can be added using the green plus symbol and selected resources deleted using the red minus symbol.

Resource Needs

When a resource is added to a component node, there is the option to edit the Days to Deliver and Days to Dispose and to edit the data within the 'Time and Management' section of the 'Details' toolbar.

Days to Deliver is the time it takes in working days before the component is ready to use and applies the resource cost for the duration. Days to Dispose is the time it takes to dispose of the component after it has been used and applies the resource cost for the duration. 

Within the Resource Requirements section you are able to view and edit the resource needs for the node 

Resource Needs Definitions
-          Delivery Units – how many units are required during Delivery.
-          Delivery % Util – what percentage of the time are the resources used for. Billing is  by FTE, so two resources at 50% utilisation will bill as one unit.
-          Sustainment Units – the number of units being used in active phases.
-          Sustainment % Util – what percentage of the time are the resources used during the sustainment period.
-          Disposal Units – how many units need to be disposed of after use.
-          Disposal % Util – what percentage of the time are the resources used during the disposal period.
-          Realisor Category – allows you select a category from the drop down list e.g. OPEX, CAPEX, FINEX
-          Consumed – if the resource is consumed, this allows you to select whether this is ‘In Total’ or ‘Per Day’
-          Additional Costs per Unit – the cost paid once for every unit – day or unit consumed, i.e. multiplies the number in the box by the number of units used (or consumed) on each working day.
-          Additional Costs per Day – the cost paid once for each working day on which units are used. This cost is the same regardless of how many units are used.
-          One-Off Additional Costs – this is a one off cost and occurs the first time that there is a requirement for the resource. If delivery units = 0, sustainment units = 0 and disposal units = 1, then the additional costs will occur during disposal (if disposal occurs). If not units are specified then the additional cost will not be paid.

Within the 'Resource Requirements' on each activity node the default ‘No Resource’ is added.
This type of resource allows Additional Costs (the bottom 3) to be added to standard costs (the rest).
The ‘No Resource’ does not have standard costs as the unit rate for ‘No Resource’ is £0.
Additional costs can be applied to tweak costs.