Friday, 5 April 2013

Initiatives, Qualities & Capabilities

An Initiative represents all the activities, resources and capabilities that have been carried out or created that allow the achievement of the Outcome.  So an Initiative will link into one or more Outcomes.  These are the important nodes on the map that signify change. On each Initiative, there are a number of qualities.  For example, you can perform an Initiative to varying levels of quality.  The default to types of quality are none and optimal. Additional qualities can also be added. 
For example, None signifies that no Initiative is taking place; Optimal might mean that it is done to the best level of quality possible and you might want to have different levels of quality between those two to signify either a growing level of quality over time or different options of quality that can be chosen.  

Changing the Quality level for an Initiative impacts the performances of Outcomes connected to it. By default an initiative two Quality levels attached to it - 0% and 100% Quality level. The 0% and 100% Quality levels cannot be edited or deleted. You can add many levels of Quality to enable cost/capability trade off. There are two ways to add a new Quality level to an Initiative. The first way is to right click on one of the current Qualities.This allows you to insert a Quality above or below your selected Quality. The placement of this Quality will determine its initial Quality level. Qualities can also be added to an Initiative in the Model Data screen. When the Initiative node you wish to add a Quality is selected, using the fields in the lower half of the screen you can add and remove Qualities to the Initiative. This is done through clicking the green plus and red minus buttons.

As discussed in the Weights and Weighting blog post, Qualities have weights that can be revealed using the 'Show Weights' button. The weight of a Quality can be edited when the weights are visible on the Map or in the Model Data screen. When in the Map, simply double click on the value of the weight you wish to change and enter a new value. Note that the 0% and 100% Quality levels cannot be edited. Within the Model data screen, the weight of a Quality is edited by selecting the Initiative that the Quality is attached to and selecting 'Qualities' in the lower half of the Model Data screen. Simply double click in the cell you wish to edit and enter the new data.

 Capabilities define what an organisation or thing is able to do: to have the capacity and/or ability to do something, to be able to achieve specific effects or declared goals and objectives.
Every change results in some new or changed level of capability. It is these capabilities that enable outcomes to be achieved. Some see Capabilities as milestones because the delivery of a new Capability happens when certain things have been completed.  When capabilities are changed, outcomes can be achieved. A capability is a link between a quality level on an initiative and a series of activities. During optimisation when an initiative is being activated during a phase at a certain quality level, the capability/capabilities attached to that quality level tell their activities that they are needed. Capabilities link in to the qualities so you can understand for every level of quality, what capabilities are being created or changed.  Capabilities are required to contribute to achieve each quality and contribute to the outcomes. At each level of quality, an Initiative will change or create one or more capabilities

Think of this scenario:

An Initiative is performed at levels of Quality. To specify when a Quality is needed, you define phases in the Programme Overview tab and set the Quality per phase – the level of Quality required and when it is required is specified using the grid in the Option Summary screen.
The Initiatives are all listed in the top window and for each Initiative the Phases are shown. For each phase, the available qualities may be seen using the pull down arrow and selected. For example these represent if an Initiative has the new Capabilities delivered in the fourth phase (2012 Q4) to the Advanced level, then you can choose the Advanced level in phase four.
The result of this is that all the Resources that are associated with that optimal quality, are scheduled from a time perspective against that phase.

There are a number of capabilities that are either new or changed as a result of the programme and these are shown on the Gantt style chart in the Option Schedule screen.
You can hide all the detail that goes in to each Capability by using the arrow on the button next to the name of each of them. You can see along the timeline with the yellow shape the scope of when that Capability exists.  By looking at the data below this, you can see each activity and use of resource over time. For example, by hovering over each block you can see the action being taken on a date range. This allows you to gain a greater understanding of the option and the delivery being proposed

In Realisor rather than saying we are going to be doing a project for three quarters and this will give us a certain level of Quality, we instead say we want that Quality at a certain point in time, and Realisor works out the schedule required to deliver that Quality at that time.  This allows us to change the delivery time dynamically to get the best mix of cost and benefit without having to manually re-plan all of the activities.
To the left of the Qualities we have Capabilities, and these Capabilities each have a plan entering them for what needs to be done to create the Capability, sustain it and eventually dispose it if we choose to get rid of it.

Taking node Prj-1 (Project 1), the ‘Days to Deliver’ has been set to 60 – approximately 3 months in working days. This needs to have been delivered before Prj-4 (Project 4) can begin. The ‘Days to Deliver’ for Prj-3 has been set to 120 – approximately 6 months in working days.
Once these projects have been delivered, the capability CAP-3 is active
For projects, processes etc entering Capabilities the map represents time, so the order of the processes going into CAP-3 shows the order in which they must be started. For Prj-4 to be initiated Prj-1 must already exist, have finished delivery and entered sustainment. Setting I-2 to Basic for phase 4 (which has been done in the Option Summary screen) would mean that prior to phase 4 the two processes must have finished being started and entered sustainment.

This is shown clearly on the Option Schedule within the Optimise screen, with Project-1 being delivered before Project-4 is commenced and once Project-4 has been completed, the capability becomes active. If you hover the mouse over the ‘bars’ on the Option schedule, it will give you more detailed information regarding the dates and resources used