Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Search and Filter

Realisor contains functions that allows different ways to interact with the map enabling you to search for, filter, group and hide nodes. These functions are found under the 'Search' tab along the top of the screen. Within the 'Search' tab, there are several criteria that can be used to search or filter search results to be displayed on a Realisor map. Nodes can be searched for using text, node type and group criteria. Each of these will be covered within more detail within this module.

 When the Filter option is selected, this hides the nodes that do Not meet the criteria that is specified in the search criteria. Filter can be clicked on or off, which turns the filter on and off and allows nodes to be hidden and displayed. The Search function highlights the nodes on the map and displays in the left hand toolbar the nodes that meet the criteria given.

Using Groups

In order to search using Groups, we have to use to Group Criteria option. Click on one or more of the Group headings (Group 1, Group 2 or Group 3 on the left hand side) to activate/deactivate the Group.
Using the drop down logic options ‘In/Not In’, ‘And/Or’, this sets up the conditions that will be used to filter the nodes.
Once the conditions have been established, select ‘Filter’. This will causes nodes that do not satisfy the conditions to be hidden. For example, selecting 'In', 'First Category' and 'Second Group' and selecting 'Group 1' means  that on the map you will see only the nodes within that group. Even though criteria has been set for 'Group 2' because this is not active, the nodes will not be displayed.

Using Node Type Criteria

Within the Search tab there is the option to display only nodes of a certain type.
The default setting is that all nodes are selected, so all nodes will be displayed. Deselect the nodes you do not wish to display and select Filter. This will show only the node types selected.
In this example, the node types ‘Capability’ and ‘Outcome’ have been selected, so only these nodes will be displayed. To add other nodes to this map, simply click the node type and these will be displayed.To show all nodes again, simply click Filter.

Using Text Criteria

The fields that can be searched in the ‘Text Criteria’ function are the node ID, the node Title and Node Description. Each of these has drop down options for you to select – ‘Contains’, ‘Equals’, ‘Starts With’, ‘Ends With’.

Put in the data that you wish to search the nodes for and select Search or Filter, depending upon whether you wish to select the nodes or hide the nodes that do not meet the criteria.  Filter can be ‘clicked on and off’