Friday, 26 April 2013

Introduction to Realisor

Principles of Realisor method
Realisor can model and monitor an already decided process or give insight into how to optimise a change process in terms of cost and capability.
  1. Cause and Effect: Identify the outcomes you want and you can design the activities needed to achieve them
  2. Options: By choosing the activities conducted you can model different options for programme delivery
  3. Resources: Resources are used to conduct activities and create costs
  4. Phasing: You can choose when activities are conducted through time
  5. Benefit Realisation: Benefits are realised when the activities needed are conducted

Realisor Structure

The method consists of three stages:
       Model the relationships between activities and outcomes
       Optimise the programme by creating and comparing delivery options
       Realise the benefits and maintain optimisation through-life

A Realisor model is a way of describing the relationships between benefits and delivery.

The Realisor Work Flow

Creation activities take place the Model tab in Realisor. Within this tab is the Model or Map screen, the specification of data and expected benefits as well of the definition of expected programmes and processes. It allows a high level view of detailed initiatives that can be chosen at different levels of capability.

The qualities attached to initiatives allow for a choice of options to be compared, empowering users to find the best mixture of programmes in terms of cost and benefit within the Optimisation tab. Effectively creating a number of costed options at each quality is important as this allows for choices to be made between cost and benefit.

Realise enables you to monitor real life delivery to ensure the benefits are achieved, manage costs and rapidly react to any plan deviations.